aus der Tastatur von Alex, dem bekannten Softwareautor von bspw. Morse Runner ist ein neues Programm entstanden. Die Info erreichte mich via AGCW-Mailingliste von Fabian, DJ1YFK. Pileup Runner ist derzeit nicht in der Programmübersicht auf ( ), denn:
> The program is freeware, currently in the beta stage.
> ----- Forwarded message from ALEX <> -----
> Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 02:02:04 -0000
> From: ALEX <>
> Subject: [dxatlas] New software: Pileup Runner
> Pileup Runner is a simulator of DX pileups. It is intended for the
> DX-pedition operators and those who are curious how the pileup looks
> and sounds at the DX side.
> Compared to Morse Runner, which is a contest simulator, Pileup Runner
> has an extra dimension: frequency. In this program just working the
> callers is not enough. To be successful, you also have to tune your
> receiver through the pileup in a smart way.
> The program is freeware, currently in the beta stage. Grab a copy at
> ( )!
> 73 Alex VE3NEA
Ein Hinweis von der Website dort: "This program is for DX-pedition operators, not for DX'ers." Okay, Morse Runner ist ja auch so angelegt, um im DX- und anderen 'Wettbewerbsgewühlen' ein Training zu haben.