Neue Speaky Benutzer

  • Hello alles,
    Ich habe mein Speaky shon fertig gemacht. Ich habe noch nicht Indikativ (werde "EC2..." sein). Mein "grid" is IN92et. Weil Ich etwas Deutsch lessen kann, es ist zu schwierig für mich auf Deutsch zu schreiben... Darf Ich auf Englisch meine Kommentar einsetzen?...

    Vielen Dank
    73 de

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  • Hola, compadre,
    de cierto no hay problemas con el ingles. Muchos socios de este foro
    lo comprenden.
    Saludos cordiales y 73

  • Vielen Dank Hans für Dein Antwort, gracias...

    Last Friday I tested the Speaky reception at our Radio Club. Benchmark was a Kenwood 850 and a Yaesu 747. 20 and 40 meters at about 1830 UTC.

    We were able to hear with the Speaky everything we heard with the two comercial equipments. Und das freut mich sehr... :)

    Now, does anybody have a solution for the Frequency Counter buffer (T11) loss of signal output above 14 mHz? (I have already changed C50 to 30pF to no avail).

    Vielen Dank für mich auf Englisch schreiben lassen! y, Hans, gracias por tu Español! schöne Überreischung!

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  • Felix,
    there has been a second mod which is not yet published in the english manual I think: At the counter board add a Choke of abt 10uH in series to R4. This will increase the sensitivity of the counter.
    Same in German:
    Für die nicht anglophilen:
    es gibt eine zweite Modifikation, die im englischen handbuch wohl noch nicht eingearbeitet ist: Schalte auf der Zählerplatine ein 10uH Drossel in Reihe zu R4. Dadurch wird die Empfindlichkeit des Zählers erhöht.

    DL0AQB - Transfer Listserver <> Forum

  • DL0AQB vielen Dank für Deine Information.

    Ich habe ein e-mail von Peter noch einmal gelessen und, ja, die 10uH Drossel ist in dieses mail.

    Ich habe die Drossel eingesetz (zwischen R4 und IC1-1):

    jetz, der Zähler geht OK mit dem 20m Module zu 250 mVpp

    aber, Ich muss das 15m Module zu 400 mVpp und das 10m Module zu 600 mVpp setzen, oder der Zähler geht nicht.

    (ufffff, I'm sweating :) english now, pls...)

    So, I will troubleshoot this, but I don't want to "invent the wheel", so if somebody has found a solution to this, please talk...

    The way I see it is that we have two problems:

    1- T11 drops output from about 14MHz up (bandwidth)
    2- Counter sensitivity is 100 mV, not 20 mV.

    With 80, 40 and 20 modules at 250 mV (IC1-6) T11 delivers about 100 mV output.

    With 15 and 10 modules at 250 mV, T11 output drops to 80 mV and 60 mV respectively.

    This is what happens to my unit.

    I will investigate and keep the forum informed of my findings (if I can find anything :-))


    73 de

  • Hi Felix,

    DL0AQB = DL2FI 8)

    I add a table what sensitivity OZ4HZ and DC0KA we have measured if they feed a signal directly into the counter.

    Left R4, middle 4.7uH right 10 uH

    10 MHz....... 22 mV......... 17 mV........ 12 mV
    12 MHz........22 mV......... 17 mV........ 13 mV
    15 MHz....... 25 mV......... 17 mV........ 13 mV
    18 MHz....... 30 mV......... 19 mV........ 15 mV
    22 MHz....... 35 mV......... 21 mV.........20 mV
    26 MHz....... 45 mV......... 25 mV........ 25 mV
    29 MHz....... 50 mV......... 30 mV.........30 mV
    36 MHz........80 mV......... 42 mV........ 42 mV

    73/2 de Peter, DL2FI
    Proud member of Second Class Operators Club SOC and Flying Pig Zapper #OOO (Certificated Kit Destroyer)

  • Hallo Felix,

    as I read, You are having the same Problems with the Counter that I mentioned months ago on the list.
    Your described measurement results I can confirm. I made all the suggested modifications with no success but then I found a simple solution. In the schematics You can see that the signal for the counter is buffered first by T11 on the mainboard and then by T1 on the counter. So I bridged the buffer on the mainboard (C52 removed and wire connection from C50/R32/Gate T11 and Pin 17).
    Now the counter works well on all bands and I could not find any disadvantages.

    73 de Stephan, dl8yec

  • Hi, Stephan, vielen Dank für Deine Information.

    I have done the mod. you mention in your mail.

    Now the Counter can read all Bandmodules at 250 mVpp except the 10m Module that has to be setted at 300 mVpp. Not bad...

    I would call this mod an "interim mod" cause my take is that the two basic problems remain: response roll-off at high frequencies of both the t11 buffer and the counter (a tipicall problem with RF, isn't it?)

    Anyway, this is of minor impact in the machine's performance so I don't think I will dedicate too much time troubleshooting both circuits.

    Will let you know findings.

    73 de
    (ever closer to the call sign :-))

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  • Hi Felix,

    I am sharing your opinion that the modification I suggested is not a real clean solution of the problem. But no other ideas circulate in the moment and it seems that no one else except us had these difficulties.

    Perhaps the reason is an adverse addition of bad data of the individual transistors and replacing one of them could solve the problem. I did not try this.

    However my Speaky works quite well as far as I can say. The display constantly shows 4 kHz less than it should and at CW there is a slight difference in frequency betwenn send and receive mode. But these little bugs only need a better fine-tuning to be elimiated.

    I am happy that my modification tip helped you to get forward a step. If you reach new findings or perhaps one of the other Speaky friends and forum readers has additional ideas I would be strongly interested.

    With the best wishes for further success and looking forward to meeting you on the air

    Stephan, dl8yec

  • Hi, Stephan,

    apologies for the delay in replying (just back home after spending a few days at the beach -Arroyo de la Miel (Honey Creek), near Malaga, nice place...-)

    Back to the theme: agree with you that next step is to change components (assuming that nobodyelse has experienced this problem, leading us to the assumption that the circuit design is correct, thus a bad component should be suspected). I will try it in the next few days and let you know results.

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  • Hallo Stephan,

    so wie ich das verstanden habe hast du C52 entfernt und dann auf der Seite des ehemaligen C52, der zu Anschluss 17 führt, eine Brücke zum Verbindungspunkt C50, R32, Gate FET, eingebaut und damit eine Pufferstufe entfernt.

    Wie läuft denn die Schaltung bei dir? Seit Mai hast du ja da schon einige Erfahrungen sammeln können. Wäre nett wenn du da mal etwas drüber berichten könntest.

    Sämtlich anderen vorgeschlagenen Änderungen führten bisher bei mir nicht zum Ziel. Anzeige im 10m Band rennt wie eine Lottomaschine, HI.

    73 de Detlef / DC3DEK

  • Hallo Detlef, Stephan,
    wir empfehlen diese Änderung NICHT, da der Einfluß der Kabelkapazität an der Basis des BFR96 zu unangenehmen Folgen führen könnte. Statt dessen empfehlen wir: Schaltungsänderung LO-Puffer

    73/2 de Peter, DL2FI
    Proud member of Second Class Operators Club SOC and Flying Pig Zapper #OOO (Certificated Kit Destroyer)

  • Hallo Detlef, Peter, Felix,

    bisher konnte ich keine Nachteile durch das Überbrücken des LO-Puffers feststellen. Eine saubere Lösung ist das aber zugegebenermaßen nicht. Deshalb bin ich froh über den Modifikationsvorschlag und werde ihn ausprobieren, wenn ich mir irgendwo einen BF314 beschafft habe.

    73 de Stephan, dl8yec

  • Hallo Peter and all,

    I cannot find a BF314 neither direct equivalents locally.

    I've found a BF199. Will it work?

    I think it should, being also a VHF xistor, employed as a buffer stage, but I would like to hear comments before tampering with the PCB!


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  • Yes, it will do, but it has another pinning, thats the reason that I used the 314.
    We can send you an BF 314 at Monday, I am "on the road" to give a homebrew seminar at saturday in South-West germany

    73/2 de Peter, DL2FI
    Proud member of Second Class Operators Club SOC and Flying Pig Zapper #OOO (Certificated Kit Destroyer)