• Folks:

    This is the saddest announcement we have had to make:

    It was discovered this morning that LB Cebik, W4RNL
    had passed away.

    He was a friend to us all and will leave behind
    a great void. His beloved wife, Jean passed several
    years before and he missed her greatly.

    He was my friend and associate for 10+ years and I
    shall always remember him for his warmth and kindness.

    A tribute to this "kind and gentle giant" shall
    appear in my column in the next issue of antenneX.

    Jack L. Stone, Publisher
    antenneX Online Magazine


  • Das ist ein herber Verlust.
    L.B.s Webseite ist eine wahre Fundgrube, er hat unser Hobby durch seine Beschäftigung mit Antennen ungemein bereichert.
    Meine Gedanken sind bei seinen Freunden.
    Tom, DM4EA

    72/73, Tom 4 . .-

    Das schöne an einheitlichen Standards ist, dass man so viele verschiedene zur Auswahl hat.