QRP ARCI Aktivität

  • 2007 QRP-ARCI(sm) Silent Key Memorial Sprint

    Jeff bat mich, auch hier eine kurze Notiz zu machen:
    Der c'test ist zu Ehren verstorbener OM.
    Eine Würdigung steht hier uinten.
    Zeiten findet man unten auch.
    Es ist hauptsächlich ein VE 'test.
    Wer aber eine gute ant hat und Spass am DX und qrp VE sammelt- warum nicht reinhören.
    Wer portabel arbeitet , bekommt einen 5000 pts bonus.
    Logs: siehe address unten...
    72! Dieter bqd


    Our contest celebrates and honors the QRP luminaries
    who no longer answer CQ's. Those generous people who
    graciously donated to the QRP community their time,
    effort and knowledge to advance the premise that more
    fun could be had using less than 5 watts. Some were
    irascible and some were even considered curmudgeons
    but when you took a keen look at their accomplishments
    and listened to those who knew them well you
    discovered truly wonderful people who would give you
    their last diode. The people we are celebrating are
    well known among the QRP Community. Some passed
    recently and some have enjoyed their reward many
    years. They are not forgotten for their
    accomplishments live on either on the bands, the
    internet, through published works or organizations
    that benefited from their largess. This contest
    celebrates ALL SK's who now call CQ from above, where
    all sigs are 599 and all contacts QSL 100%. Celebrate
    the many SK's that we have known and loved in years


    1500Z to 1800Z on 18 August 2007.


    CW Only


    Members send: RST, State/Province/Country, ARCI
    member number
    Non-Members send: RST, State/Province/Country, Power

    QSO Points:

    Member = 5 points
    Non-Member, Different Continent = 4 points
    Non-Member, Same Continent = 2 points


    SPC (State/Province/Country) total for all bands. The
    same station may be worked on multiple bands for QSO
    points and SPC credit.

    Power Multiplier:

    >5 Watts = x1
    >1 - 5 Watts = x7
    >250 mW - 1 Watt = x10
    >55 mW - 250 mW = x15
    <55 mW = x20

    Suggested Frequencies:

    160m 1810 kHz
    80m 3560 kHz
    40m 7030 kHz (please listen at 7040 kHz for rock bound
    20m 14060 kHz
    15m 21060 kHz
    10m 28060 kHz


    Final Score = Points (total for all bands) x SPCs
    (total for all bands) x Power Multiplier + Bonus

    Bonus Points:

    If you are operating PORTABLE using battery power AND
    a temporary antenna, add 5000 points to your final
    score. (You can NOT be at your shack operating from
    battery power using your home station antenna to
    qualify for this bonus.) This is to help level the
    playing field for contesters who work from the field
    against contest stations with 5 element yagis at 70


    Entry may be All-Band, Single Band, High Bands
    (10m-15m-20m) or Low Bands (40m-80m-160m)

    How to Participate:

    Get on any of the HF bands except the WARC bands and
    hang out near the QRP frequencies. Work as many
    stations calling CQ QRP or CQ TEST as possible, or
    call CQ QRP or CQ TEST yourself! You can work a
    station for credit once on each band.

    Email Log Submission:

    Submit Logs in plain text format along with a summary
    stating your Callsign, Entry Category, Actual Power
    and Station Description along with score calculation
    to contest@qrparci.org

    Snail mail Log Submission:

    Submit Logs along with a summary stating your
    Callsign, Entry Category, Actual Power and Station
    Description along with score calculation to:

    Silent Key Memorial Sprint
    c/o Jeff Hetherington, VA3JFF
    139 Elizabeth St. W.
    Welland, Ontario
    Canada L3C 4M3


    Entries must be postmarked on or before 18 September


    Will be published in QRP Quarterly and shown on the
    QRP-ARCI website.


    Will be awarded to the top scoring entrant in each
    category. Certificates may be awarded for 2nd and 3rd
    place if entries are sufficient in a category.

    L. Jeffrey Hetherington - VA3JFF / VE3CW
    QRP-ARCI(sm) Contest Manager
    QRP-ARCI(sm) #9223 / K2 #3375 / KX1 #631

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