nachdem sich 2022 langsam dem Ende zuneigt, werden jetzt die Vorbereitungen für denTBDXC- Marathon 2023 getroffen. Jede(r), der CW und/oder SSB macht, ist herzlich eingeladen mitzumachen:
The hardest and most fun competition
in Amateur Radio – a challenge for all DXers
The True Blue DXers Club is happy to announce the 2023 DX Ultra-Marathon.
This initiative was first launched in 2021, with the aim of promoting CW and SSB activity on the HF bands, during contests but also, and perhaps especially, in-between contests. By the end of its second year, some 350 brave DXers have taken up the challenge, making a total of almost a million QSOs. Like in 2021, the results of the top scorers for 2022 are nothing short of extraordinary. It is clear that the Ultra-Marathon has been enjoyed by hundreds of stations at all levels.
The Ultra-Marathon is organised by the TBDXC but is open to all amateurs – you do not have to be a member of the Club to take part.
The competition has something for everybody: you can put in an all-out effort and compete for a top position in one of the many categories. Or, you can compete against yourself – see what you can achieve within the limits of your available time and setup. Most important is that this competition brings back the excitement of amateur radio, each and every day.
This year-long competition is about
contacting as many different stations as possible, on as many bands
as possible, in as many DXCC countries and WAZ Zones as possible.
Essentially, it is about making QSOs, working DX, being active and
enjoying your hobby.
The rules and the scoring system (https://www.tbdxc.net/marathon) are practically identical to the CQ DX World Wide contest. However, this is NOT a “59 001” kind of competition – it is NOT a year-long contest. It is intended to promote everyday activity on CW and SSB: real activity, real contacts, real QSOs between people, as opposed to computers talking to each other.
Participating could not be easier. Once you have signed up and chosen your mode and power category, all you have to do is to make QSOs and then upload your log in adif format. You can do this as often as you want. Each time, your score is automatically calculated according to the rules, and the leaderboard for your chosen category is updated. You will be able to track your progress and, if you are a competitive type, check your score against others in real time.
We look forward to seeing you! Please remember that for registration, log upload, leaderboards, rules, Frequently Asked Questions, requests for help, and all things Marathon, the address is: https://tbdxc.hamserver.de/marathon/
73 Peter Ackermann DL3NAA – Marathon Manager