Mount Athos

  • Hallo!
    Einer Direkt-QSL von SV2ASP/A am letzten Wochenende war ein Zettel beigelegt
    auf dem Apollo um die Hilfe der Funkamateure bittet. Ich habe den Text
    abgeschrieben und füge ihn unten an. Eine Übersetzung macht bitte jeder für sich.
    73! Roland dl7ba

    dear Friend,
    I would like to demand your help to a problem that I confront. Recently,
    in the new regulation that made the Ministry, because the men that work
    there don't know that Mount Athos is special DXCC-country, give the "SY"
    as a special call sign to everyone who wants it. So there is a confusion
    to radio amateur world, who believe that those who use this call sign are
    from Mount Athos. Many Greek radio amateurs sayed their views to the
    Ministry, but they ignored them. I would be grateful if you send a message
    to the Ministry ( asking them to stop issuing the
    "SY" as a special prefix, and give it exclusivley to Mount Athos. Thanks
    beforehand for your assistance. From Mount Athos, the "Garden of Virgin
    Mary" I send you my best wishes. God bless you.

    (Apollo SV2ASP/A)